ダイヤモンド・プリンセスは、アメリカ合衆国に本拠地があるカーニバル・コーポレーション(Carnival Corporation & PLC)の傘下のプリンセス・クルーズ社が運航しているクルーズ客船です。
乗客定員: 2,706人
乗組員数: 1,100人
総トン数: 115,875トン
巡航速度: 22ノット(約41km/h)
全長: 290m
全幅: 37.5m
船籍: 英国
建造年(改装年): 2004年(2014年)¹
一部火災の写真を含みます。(2002/10/1 ダイヤモンドプリンセス建造中に火災が発生)
Diamond Princess is a cruise ship operated by Princess Cruises, a subsidiary of Carnival Corporation & PLC, headquartered in the United States.
A sister ship of the same type is the Sapphire Princess.
There are a total of 1,337 rooms, of which 72%, or 960, are ocean-view rooms with windows facing outside, and 56%, or 748, have private balconies. There are also 29 rooms designed for disabled guests.
There are seven restaurants to suit passengers’ tastes, some open 24 hours a day.
In order to operate in the Gulf of Alaska, which has strict environmental regulations, it is equipped with a gas turbine generator and a state-of-the-art wastewater treatment system.
Includes some photos of the fire. (2002/10/1 Fire broke out during construction of Diamond Princess)

ダイヤモンドプリンセス 2004/1/3撮影