Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ Koyaki factory is part of the Nagasaki Shipyard and is located in the city of Nagasaki. This plant was the birthplace of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which manufactured ships and energy-related plants. Specifically, we were involved in thermal and geothermal power plants, fuel cells, coal gasification combined cycle power generation, marine machinery, aircraft engine parts, high-density outfitting vessels, defense equipment, and space equipment.
The Koyaki Factory was built in 1972 and has been used as a dedicated construction plant for large tankers (VLCCs). Later, as a factory with a huge dock about 1 kilometer long, it played a role in expanding Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ shipbuilding business.
However, in 2019, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries sold the Koyaki factory and handed it over to Oshima Shipyard. The plant is the historic home of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and many ships have been built here.
The Koyaki plant has long played an important role as part of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ ship technology.